A PSS for the after sale
customer service in luxury market 

A PSS for the after
customer service in luxury market 

Master Thesis

Milan, Italy      2015

Milan, Italy      2015

Between 2012 and 2014 I attended the Master of Science Product Service System Design in Politecnico di Milano. A PSS FOR THE AFTER SALE CUSTOMER SERVICE IN LUXURY MARKET was my masther thesis written during 2014 and 2015.



During the last years the world has suffered the major economic crisis in the last decades. As a result different markets were affected and the shortcomings of the capitalist system were more evident than ever.

Simultaneously, technology achieved a massive reach as never before while social media became an unstoppable engine of modern society across different ages and social segments, from baby boomers to millennials and from low to upper class. Smartphones have become more sophisticated and mobile applications, more efficiently to download. In this context, companies -especially in the luxury market- had awakened from a lethargy of traditional print and audiovisual advertising to face new challenges and communication strategies

Luxury brands describe the HOLY TRINITY of retail experience through three phases: the PRE-SALE, the SALE and the AFTER SALE. In the first phase, this thesis proposes to understand luxury as a concept and how it has changed over time, studying consumers target and their behavior inside the luxury market. How luxury brands adapted to these changes and what the ‘after sale’ service in luxury market should be about. In a second phase, using the luxury fashion brand Jimmy Choo as a case study, this work develops a product-service system. Designed to generate customer loyalty, real engagement with current customers and focusing on the last stage of retail experience: THE AFTER SALE SERVICE.


While writing the thesis, I work for two different luxury fashion brands for SHADOWING purposes as part of my research.  

Work selected to be part for the "Space for Visual Research" (Spector Books, 2017), a selection curated by Markus Weisbeck, Mathias Schmitt and Michael Ott with the support of Bauhaus-University Weimar.

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